Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence

Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence at Learning Mall compiles high-quality articles from the staff of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and other Higher Educational Institutions based on research, teaching or professional service (PS) experiences on the following topics: technology-enhanced learning and teaching (L&T); technological tool applications in L&T&PS; pedagogical innovations in onsite/online/blended education; problems in online/blended education with thoughts and suggestions.

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Enhancing Student Engagement and Assessment in Group Work through a Group Diary in Higher Education

Yanhui Lei,
Department of Urban Planning and Design (UPD),
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China Bing Chen,
Department of Urban Planning and Design (UPD),
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China Min Joo Baek,
Department of Architecture (ARC),
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China Jian Liu,
School of Architecture,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

key words: Student Engagement, Assessment, Group Work, Group Diary

Engaging Students Using Live-streaming in Real-life Scenarios: A Case Study in L2 Chinese Course

Jia Yu & Haiyun Zeng, Language Lecturer, School of Languages, XJTLU
Keywords: Live-streaming, real-life scenarios, international Chinese education, teaching case

Strengthening Cross-disciplinary Collaboration in Lab Practice: A Case Study of Students in Architecture and Child Development and Family Education at XJTLU

Jinjin Lu, Senior Associate Professor, Academy of Future Education, XJTLU
Keywords: Cross-disciplinary work, teaching and learning, lab practice


GianMarco Longo, Assistant Professor of Practice, Design School, XJTLU
Keywords: Generative AI Tools, Speculative Design Framework, Virtual Learning Environment

Motivating Learners and Cultivating Intercultural Competence Through International Online Exchange

Nobuhiko Tazoe Language Lecturer Modern Languages Centre

Keywords: Foreign language learning, video exchange, Padlet, students’ motivation, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)