Double marking with Coursework



Double marking means at least two markers are involved for each student submission, and one final grade has to be generated at the end. It is the policy of XJTLU for final year projects to increase grade reliability.


At XJTLU, many departments will have a double marking process each year, with many teachers and students involved. However, double marking manually is very hard to manage and time-consuming, especially for the module leaders who need to put all the grades and feedback together.


Based on the teachers’ requests, the XJTLU Learning Mall’s educational technology team found and helped develop an activity that perfectly supports double marking online. It is called Coursework. With the help of this tool, the double marking process can be managed by the system, so the teachers only need to go to the page and finish their own grading responsibility.




Three departments were invited to join the pilot group on using the Coursework in 2018. It has been successfully run for three semesters. During the trial period, based on the feedback from the pilot group, we updated the features of this tool from many aspects. Now, we think it is time to let more teachers know about it, and hopefully, it can benefit more departments at XJTLU.



Sophie Sturup
Department of Urban Planning and Design

David Ruiz-Carrillo
Department of Biological Sciences

Qiufeng Wang
Department of Intelligent Science

20 December 2019

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