Enhancing Academic Efficiency through Digitalisation - A Case Study on Reference Letter Automation
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As faculty staff who teach undergraduates, we've encountered firsthand the challenges associated with administrative academic tasks, especially in preparing personalised documents such as reference letters. Recognising the need for a more streamlined process, we have developed a compact application leveraging the mail merge function in Microsoft Word, but with an enhanced user-friendly interface. This tool, known as the Customized Document Generator, has revolutionised the way towards document creation in educational contexts.

1. Introduction to the Customized Document Generator

The Customized Document Generator is a digital tool designed to simplify and automate the production of customised documents like reference letters. By integrating with Excel spreadsheets and Word templates, it generates personalised documents in PDF format, significantly reducing the time and effort traditionally involved in manual customisation.

2. How the Tool Improves Efficiency in Preparing Reference Letters


Step 1. Prepare Your Data
Excel Spreadsheet: Start by organizing student information into an Excel spreadsheet, including details like the student's name, major, achievements, and any other relevant information you wish to incorporate into the reference letters.

Word Template: Create a Word document to serve as your reference letter template. Draft the body of the letter and leave placeholders for personalised information (e.g., student’s name, major).
Users start by preparing an Excel file containing necessary student information and a Word template for the reference letter. This initial setup ensures that all required data is ready for merging.
Step 2: Add Merge Fields to Your Word Template
Insert Merge Fields: In your Word template, go to the 'Insert' tab, select 'Quick Parts', and then 'Field'. Under 'Mail Merge', choose 'MergeField'. Input the field name precisely as it is represented in the Excel column header.
Repeat for All Fields: Add all necessary merge fields into your Word template where the respective personalised information should situated.
Step 3: Set Up the Customized Document Generator
Launching the Tool: Open the Customized Document Generator on your desktop. Ensure it is ready to link your Excel spreadsheet and Word template.

Template and Data Source Selection: In the interface, select the 'Browse' buttons to choose your Word template and then your Excel file as the data source.


Step 4: Generate Personalised Documents
Output Setting: Back in the Customized Document Generator, designate the output file destination. After loading your template and data source, select the option that shows the file names of the merged documents, as well as the preferred file type to generate.
Run the Merge: Click 'Run' to start the document generation process. The tool will create a personalised reference letter in PDF format for each student listed in your Excel file.

Review and Distribute: After the customised documents are generated, review them for accuracy before sending them out. The PDF format guarantees consistency in formatting and presentation across different devices and platforms.
Step 5: Continuous Improvement
Feedback and Revision: After employing the tool, collect feedback from recipients and users to identify areas that requires further improvement. Update your templates and processes accordingly to enhance future document generation.
By following these steps, the Customized Document Generator significantly reduces the time and effort required to prepare personalised documents such as reference letters, allowing educators and administrative staff to focus on more impactful tasks. The tool exemplifies how digitalisation can streamline administrative processes in higher education settings, leading to increased efficiency and personalisation.

3. Broader Applications in Higher Education

While currently used for crafting reference letters, the potential applications of this tool extend far beyond. Its utility can be seen in:
- Course Certificates: Automatically generating individualized course completion certificates for students.
- Event Invitations: Creating customised invitations for college events or seminars.
- Academic Reports: Preparing personalised academic reports or feedback for students.
Each application signifies an opportunity to save time, reduce errors, and increase personalisation in communications with students.

4. Reflection and Future Directions

The implementation of the Customized Document Generator in our department has not only enhanced the efficiency of document preparation but has also underscored the broader benefits of digital tools in academia. By automating routine tasks, educators can devote more time towards teaching and research, thereby enriching the educational experience for both students and faculty.
Furthermore, we aim to expand the capabilities of the tool to accommodate a wider range of document types and scenarios. Feedback from users will guide future updates, ensuring that the tool remains adaptive to the evolving demands of higher education institutions.

5. Conclusion

The journey of developing and implementing the Customized Document Generator has been a gratifying experience, highlighting the power of technology in streamlining administrative tasks in higher education. As we continue to explore and embrace digital solutions, we pave the way for a more efficient, responsive, and personalised academic environment.

Xiangyun Lu
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting

Liyan Hou
Senior Teaching Fellow
Department of Accounting

18 June 2024

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