Junmou+Library, a Strong Alliance to Support Learning and Research
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to gain popularity, each of us needs to develop the skills of using it. However, it is not advisable to rely on AI-generated content for conducting research, as the content can be inaccurate, misleading, or entirely fabricated. While equipped with various library resources, AI can be a useful tool. The following paper will introduce you to the practice of using XIPU AI – Junmou and Library to support learning and research.
1. Generate Research Topics by using Junmou and Library resources
Through effective prompting, Junmou can help you narrow down the scope of your research topic, identify keywords suitable for library searches, recommend library databases or books relevant to your research topic, and assist you in brainstorming interesting research ideas based on your effective utilization of library resources.
Following is a practice of using Junmou and Library to generate your research topic.
a. Go to https://xipuai.xjtlu.edu.cn and log in XJTLU account.
b. To Prompt Junmou effectively.
Prompting is used to instruct AI to do a task. The better prompts you use, the more relevant and meaningful responses and outputs you’ll receive! Here are several tips for writing effective prompts:
b1. Be specific, and provide the context;
b2. Role-playing and considering audience and style;
b3. Format the result and limit the length;
b4. Use examples;
b5. Include the keywords;
b6. Build on previous prompts.
Now we are going to ask Junmou in the following ways, including role-playing, providing context and being specific, formatting the result, and limiting the length.
        Act as an expert academic librarian [this is role playing], I am going to write a paper on Sociology, and I need help coming up with a topic. I am interested in the topic related to Climate Change. [Here we provide the context, and it is very specific] Please provide me with a list of 10 research topic suggestions [Here we format the result which should be the research topic suggestion, limit the length to 10].
c. Check the list it gives you, and tell Junmou which of those topics you want to use. Ask it to provide some sub-topics or research questions, and ask it for keywords to use for searching the library resources. If you don’t like any of those topics, ask for more topics.
        I like the topic of Social justice implications of climate change: Analyzing the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. Please provide me with 10 subtopics or research questions. And give me a list of keywords or phrases for each subtopic or research question, so that I can use it to search for that topic in the library.
        Or you can say I don’t like any of those topics. Please give me 10 more topics.
d. You can see the result, it provides you with a list of sub-topics and research questions. If you don’t like any of them, ask for more. Keep going until you find one you want to use.
You can try to use the keywords and phrases it gives you to conduct searches in the XJTLU library discover system, to find the related research papers you wanted.
e. You can also ask Junmou which library databases will work best for your selected topic.
        Please recommend 3-5 library databases that would be helpful for my research topic.
f. Go to our library database list https://libguides.lib.xjtlu.edu.cn/az.php
And check to see if the library has the databases it recommends. If the library doesn’t have the recommended database, ask Junmou for additional recommendations of databases that would be suitable for your topic.
In the whole conversation process, you can see through effective prompts we narrowed our topics, and with the Library resources, we can do our research. And in the conversation, if we keep asking, Junmou will feedback on what we want, and we don’t need to repeat what we have said. But if we want to change a topic, then we should start a new chat, as we have already given a role to Junmou, an expert academic librarian, it will be confusing if we want to ask another type of question. The most important thing is, to always keep in mind, that you can not rely on Junmou or other AI-generated output for research, since it can make up sources, please do use Library resources.
2. Summarize articles downloaded in the Library by Junmou, and Optimize the Literature Review
After you finalize the research topic according to Junmou and the Library, you may download a lot of suitable research papers from the Library. You may have no time to read all of the long research papers, and some of the papers may use other languages, which may affect your reading. Junmou will be a powerful tool to read all these papers, and you can ask it to generate the summary or key points of the papers, and even translate the summary to your native language. Then you can do intensive reading based on your research paper, and also you can ask Junmou questions based on this paper. This will be a very efficient method to assist you in doing a literature review. One problem is that, currently Junmou cannot upload documents at this stage, so you must copy and paste the research paper to the dialogue box. It will be difficult if the paper contains forms or pictures.
3. Consider AI detectors, citation, and publication policy if you are using AI-generated text
Junmou can generate text and also has the function of content polish. It can provide smart recommendations to improve the articles and will make your articles or passages seem better. At the same time, several other AI tools can also perfect your articles, such as QuillBot, DeepL, Wordtune, Trinka, Fireflies, and Rytr. Even if they are smart tools, you still need to check with your lecturers whether the module is allowed to use this function. You cannot violate the module’s rule of using generated text. By using Turnitin or other AI content detectors, it is very easy for your lecturers to detect if your article is written or polished by AI. There are several free AI detectors, such as AI Content Detector, Content At Scale, ZeroGPT.com, GPTZero, CrossPlag, and Sapling. These AI detectors are not fully tested. They are not reliable, exhibit bias, and might have privacy and security concerns, please use them with caution. There are several ways to cite content generated by AI, such as MLA, APA, and the Chicago Manual of Style. If you want to publish articles including AI-generated text, you should also need to know if your targeted journal or publisher allows you to use it. Here are several links for several publishers’ AI-generated text policies: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Sage, Taylor & Francis, IEEE Submission Policies, PLOS ONE, Cambridge.
Effectively using Junmou can help users generate and narrow their research topics, identify keywords suitable for library searches, and recommend library databases or books relevant to their research topics. This paper provides a practical example of this, and it introduces several ways and tips for writing effective prompts. Meanwhile, this paper introduces Junmou in assisting literature review and points out the shortage of no document uploads in Junmou. This paper considers that using generated text may violate the module rule, and it introduces several AI detectors and AI-generated text citing methods and also informs the user to consider the publisher’s AI-generated text policy when submitting articles. This paper emphasizes several times that Junmou and generated AI are good tools, but users cannot rely on them. Users should review and evaluate Junmou’s output correctly. Finally, I hope this paper can inspire you to think more about ways you could use Junmou and the Library in your learning, teaching, and work.

Chao TENG, Jiao LU, Siyun WANG
XJTLU Library

28 December 2023

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