Large-scale online testing with Quiz



The Quiz activity on the XJTLU Learning Mall contains many different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, drag and drop, true/false, short answer, numerical… Teachers can design the questions and build the quiz for different purposes. The questions will be kept in the question bank once they have been created and can be reused in other quizzes.


In this case, we will show you how to set up the online Quiz for a massive number of students and the benefits of doing so.




In the summer of 2018, to place each Year 1 student into the right level of calculus module, the Department of Mathematical Sciences conducted a background knowledge test for more than 3300 students through the XJTLU Learning Mall. Because of the randomness of the questions and strict exam settings, it helped to avoid cheating and provided much convenience to the teachers, such as the grades were generated right after the test, and the questions can be reused next time.



Jie Fei
Department of Pure Mathematics

Ruonan Zhang
Department of Applied Mathematics

19 November 2018

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