Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence

Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence at Learning Mall compiles high-quality articles from the staff of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and other Higher Educational Institutions based on research, teaching or professional service (PS) experiences on the following topics: technology-enhanced learning and teaching (L&T); technological tool applications in L&T&PS; pedagogical innovations in onsite/online/blended education; problems in online/blended education with thoughts and suggestions.

Call for XIPU AI Implementation Cases

Theme: The Application of XIPU AI (Junmou) in Learning and Teaching (L&T)
Length: Around 3,000 words with abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results or tips and conclusion, etc. with 2-3 case pictures
Benefits: Remuneration & Research Impact and Outreach
CEIE is seeking teaching scenarios for Junmou implementation, titled "The Application of XIPU AI (Junmou) in Learning and Teaching." This is a fantastic opportunity to share your insights and experiences with the XJTLU community and its outreach. It is also good to explore how AI is transforming the way you learn and teach. All the topics related to AI in L&T are welcomed. Send your articles and contact ceie@learningmall.cn.

Best Practice

Call for the Contribution

Welcome to contact us for more information and the contribution of articles and videos through CEIE@learningmall.cn.

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